Who do we know we are?

We are victorious- we still have our right mind.

We are conquerors, through medication com pliancy, therapy and a support system we are getting up, living and enjoying things.

Some have families, significant others, travel, work, etc.

We are fighters, victorious and conquerors.

Author: Fighter

I finally accepted what people have been telling me. I am full of knowledge and wisdom and I am unforgettable. My word of encouragement since 2020 has been to let others know, despite the waves and ripples in our lives, L life is totally awesome, even with a mental illness. I believe my purpose is to encourage others, advocate for those around me who have not yet found their voice to advocate for themselves and educate those without a mental illness. If for one for minute someone laughs or smiles because of something I said, that is one moment they did not think about mental illness.

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